I'm a Designer and I Wanna Help !


Game - Walking « simulator » – 2013 - Gamemaker Studio

I wanted to create an original resume to attract the potential interest of a video game studio, but also to challenge myself. I used a mixture of the 3D features of Game Maker Studio (basic built-in functions to draw triangles and apply textures) and Blender. It was the first time I made a 3D game on my own.

It's a simple walkthrough game with passive interactions. The player simply walks through my professional career until 2013, looking at the signs that describe the different positions I worked in, with a little twist at the end. Each section corresponds to a period of time, which I tried to design to reflect the state of mind I was in at the time.

Visually, I wanted to approach a rendering of a 16-bit 3D console, with tiles and very simple shapes.

The game showcased my career until my time at Kalmeo in 2014.

I also released the game on Game Maker Studio's Steam Workshop, where it received over 9000 unique visits and more than 4000 subscribers.

What I did

  • Everything, from art to code including design and sound.


Manuel Utsunomiya Bonisoli ⓒNut Island Studio 2024 Powered by: Grav